
Site 12

Silence of a Distant View - Look-out platform Liquorice Park at Carline Road

At the upper edge of the park is a wooden viewing platform. Breathe deeply, inhale the view out over the city to the horizon.
This viewscape is part of Liquorice Park, a local community volunteer project to preserve the site for public use and includes allotments, fruit trees, and work by local artists. And yes, liquorice was grown here once.
Notice the vague rumbling, an incessant base noise created by a multitude of actions, and then the variety of distinct sounds that arrive on the air. Sounds rise up, or come from above, or move both ways across the panorama. Many are not identifiable but some are - can you un-name them, let it all just be sound?
This compilation of sound contrasts with the big silence of the view itself. We think there's empty space out there because it's invisible. We take the air for granted but we're intimately, wholly dependent on it and must share it with all others.
However we do hear it - in the murmuring leaves, the sighing grasses, the vital wind, and in the way the sounds in this view are carried to you. We also hear the silent invisible air in our breathing, our voices, and songs.
Experiment - breathe in deeply, listen, and hear tangible air rouse the things around you. We may start to remember what it is to be fully in our world.